The Supplemental Documents page located in Settings is the central point for managing static business level supplemental documents such as W9, NDA, payment details or terms and conditions documents, etc.
Once uploaded, Admin/AR specialists can easily select and attach these business supplemental documents to communications that are sent to customers.
To be able to see this page, make sure that the Admin/AR specialists have the Settings Supplemental Documents check-box located on their respective Security Groups pages checked.
Uploading Supplemental Documents
Admin/AR specialists can upload supplemental documents by clicking on the Upload Document button located in the top-right corner of the page.
This opens the Upload Supplemental Document dialog:
In this dialog, you can select a file to upload and fill in its details:
Upload File
Click Select File to browse for a supplemental document or you can drag-and-drop it directly into this dialog.
The supported file types include PDF, JPEG, JPG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, CSV,TXT, DOC, DOCX, XLS,XLSX, and GIF. The maximum file size is 100 MB.
Specify a unique name for the supplemental document under which it will appear on the Supplemental Documents page and in dialogs.
The title can be up to 50 characters long and can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
Optionally, specify a description of the file.
The description can be up to 200 characters long and can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character.
Once uploaded, the supplemental document appears on the Supplemental Documents page where you can view its details and manage the document.
By default, the newest supplemental documents are at the top of the list.
Managing Supplemental Documents
The Supplemental Documents page lists all the uploaded business supplemental documents. On this page, you can view, sort, filter, and further manage these documents.
Supplemental Documents - Sorting and Filtering
Use the columns to sort and filter the documents.
You can also change the order of columns or adjust their size.
The uploaded supplemental documents are displayed in a table with the following columns:
Sorts the supplemental documents by their type which is indicated by a respective icon.
Sorts the supplemental documents by their name, in ascending or descending order.
File Size
Sorts the supplemental documents by size.
Sorts the supplemental documents by their creation date.
Click on the filter icon to display only those supplemental documents that correspond to the selected date (minimum one day). To confirm the selection, click on the FILTER button. To remove the filter, click on the filter icon and then the CLEAR button.
Uploaded By
Sorts the supplemental documents according to the user who uploaded them.
Click on the filter icon to display only those supplemental documents that were uploaded by the selected user.
Sorts the supplemental documents by the date they were last modified.
Click on the filter icon to display only those supplemental documents that were modified on the selected date (minimum one day). To confirm the selection, click on the FILTER button. To remove the filter, click on the filter icon and the CLEAR button.
Sorts the supplemental documents by their description, in ascending or descending order.
Once you set up filtering, the total number of applied filters is indicated by the Filter icon with a number which is located in the top-right corner.
To clear all the filters, click on the Clear Filters icon located in the top-right corner.
Supplemental Documents - Actions
To manage one or multiple uploaded business supplemental documents at once, select the documents and use the action bar located above the supplemental documents grid.
Alternatively, you can do the same for a single business supplemental document, i.e. you can download, delete or edit a document by clicking on the three vertical dots that appear when you hover your mouse pointer over a specific document.Download Document
Downloads a copy of the selected supplemental documents.
If multiple documents are selected, a ZIP file containing all the selected documents is downloaded.
Delete Document
Deletes the selected supplemental documents.
Opens the Edit Supplemental Document dialog for the selected supplemental document. In this dialog, you can change the document's title and description.
Attaching Supplemental Documents
Once you have your business level supplemental documents uploaded in the system, you can easily attach them to communications sent to customers.
To attach a document, go to Attach Files | Supplemental documents | Business level and then select a document. By clicking on a document's name, you can attach a new document (indicated by a tick) or remove an already attached document (indicated by a cross). In addition, you can also use the Search functionality to quickly find a specific document.
Supplemental documents can be attached to:
Email Reminders (manual)
- Global Search
- Aging Report
- Statement page
- Invoices
- Disputes
- Tasks
- Communications
Send Mail (manual)
When configuring sending of physical mail manually, only PDF files can be selected.
You can attach supplemental documents on all pages where you can send mail, for example:
- Aging Report
- Statement page
- Invoices
- Global Search
- Statement page (Emails)
- Communications
You can attach business supplemental documents on all pages where you can add rules for the Send mail and Send an email reminder Action types, for example:
- Collection Workflows (including Rules and Timelines)
- Global Rules
For this purpose, the Add new rule dialog contains the Business Supplemental Documents combo-box from which you can select a specific document to attach to the rule.