Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to deactivate a Statement link

If you need to deactivate the Statement link that has been already sent to your customer (through your Workflow Actions / Email Reminders), you can use the Statement Page for that Customer to do so. 

Navigate to the Aging Report and choose the Customer to click on the Statement page, or use the Global Search menu to look up the Customer Name. 

In the extended functions menu dropdown, select “Invalidate all statement links

Press YES to continue and you will see a prompt appearing on screen to confirm the invalidation of all Statement links for this Customer.

This action will deactivate all links previously sent to the Customer, and they will no longer be able to access their Portal Page through those links.

If your Customer attempts to click on the link in one of their previous emails to access the Portal Page, they will be informed that their link has expired.

To re-enable your Customer to access their Customer Portal page, you will have to send a new email with the Statement link embedded after this.



Where relevant, you can also call the GET /customers/{customerId}/link API endpoint to obtain valid links when you have embedded such links into your in-house or corporate business systems.

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