Releases / Release Notes

Release Notes: 12/16/2018

1) Consolidated Statement Page

-  YayPay has a new Consolidated Statement Page for Parent-Child accounts that allow all children invoices to be shown at the Parent level

-  The customer will also have this visibility when they click their Statement Link and this will really help in streamlining the invoicing process for Parent-Child relationships

2) AR Specialist filter on Communications page 

- We have added a filter for each AR specialist, which allows for collectors to hone in on emails related to their accounts. In addition, we now have a notification if an email is a new, and the ability to mark old emails as read

3) CreditSafe Integration

- We now integrate directly with CreditSafe, if you already have an account with CreditSafe please let us know and we can set up the integration

4) Open Credits tab

- We learned from customer feedback that is important to have visibility to open credits to understand what is still outstanding and could be applied to open invoices- By default, the open credits tab is hidden from the customer. However, if you would like you can go to Settings and allow customers to see open credits. Down the line we will also allow customers to apply their credits to their own payment transactions.

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