Tutorials / Payments

Wordline Payments and Integration

Wordline® is an online payment service that can integrate with your YayPay account to process payments using CC (credit card), ACH (Automated Clearing House) or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer).

Wordline® accepts payments in the following currencies:

  • Credit card payments – in currencies that are set in Settings, i.e. USD (United States Dollar), CAD (Canadian Dollar) or both.
  • ACH payments – USD only. 
  • EFT payments – both USD and CAD.

Additionally, all payment methods are available for automatic and recurring payments, i.e. credit cards, ACH, and EFT.

However, the availability of these payment methods differs based on the settlement country. For example, EFT is available for Canada, while ACH is available for the US.



When selecting a currency from the Currency combo box, you can select only one USD option for your YayPay instance (either USD - USA or USD - Canada).

Additionally, a saved payment token can only process payment in one currency, either the customer-level or business-level. Multicurrency payments are not supported.

Configuring and Connecting to Wordline®

To set up Wordline® payment integration:

  1. Go to Settings | Payments/Credits.

  2. Scroll down to the Wordline® section and click SET UP:

    If you do not see the section in your profile, contact support@yaypay.com.

  3. In the dialog that opens, configure the required settings to connect to your Wordline® account.
    To obtain values for these fields, check your Wordline® account or contact your Wordline® representative.

    Configure the following fields using the values from Wordline®:

    Gateway URL

    Specifies the value of the Wordline® Gateway's API endpoint URL, i.e. https://api.na.bambora.com.

    Merchant ID

    Specifies your merchant ID.
    You can specify up to two merchant IDs, each for a different currency.

    This field is mandatory.

    Payment Passcode

    Specifies a passcode needed for making payments.

    This field is mandatory.

    Profile Passcode

    Specifies a passcode for the purpose of saving tokens.

    This field is mandatory.

    Batch Passcode

    Specifies a passcode for making ACH payments.
    This field is mandatory for ACH and EFT payments.

    Report Passcode

    Specifies a passcode for checking the status of your ACH payments.
    This field is mandatory for ACH and EFT payments.

    Country and Currency

    Selects the country and currency in which you will make payments.

    This field is mandatory.

  4. Click SAVE to confirm the settings and close the dialog.

  5. Once configured, click CONNECT on the right side of the page.

    As a result, your payments will now be processed using Wordline®.

    Once connected, you can use the DISCONNECT button to disconnect from Wordline® or the EDIT button to change the connection details.



Whenever a payment transaction succeeds or fails, a corresponding record will be added to the PAYMENT ACTIVITIES tab on the Statement page.

Similarly, every time a payment is made, a record will also be created in the Cash App.

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