Tutorials / Payments

REPAY Payments and Integration


Using REPAY you can pay both by credit card and ACH. 

While credit card payments via REPAY are available in all currencies (USD and non-USD), ACH payments can be submitted only in USD.

How to set up REPAY

1. Go to Settings > Payments/Credits > REPAY section

2. Click SET UP

3. Populate the Gateway URL:  https://secure.apspaymentgateway.com/api/v2/three-step

4. Populate the rest of the mandatory fields obtained from the payment provider

5. Click "SAVE".



If you need to log in to the Test Gateway (to conduct test payments) we’ll need to create a new username for each merchant logging in to test. This is due to a new multi-factor authentication on the gateway.

This will leave you with 2 REPAY login credentials:

  • Production Gateway login
  • Test Gateway login

How to connect REPAY

Once you set up the REPAY payment service provider, you can connect to it on the Integrations page: go to Settings > Payments/Credits and find REPAY in the PSPs list.

Click "CONNECT".

After this, the "DISCONNECT" button appears, which can be used to disconnect REPAY.

Ability to work along with other PSPs

Being a primary payment service provider REPAYcan be connected along with any of the secondary PSPs.

For a detailed description of how REPAY works when connected simultaneously with other PSP, see the links below:

1) REPAY + NMI: https://yaypay.helpjuice.com/en_US/payments/955336-nmi-payments-and-integration

2) REPAY + GoCardlesshttps://yaypay.helpjuice.com/en_US/payments/gocardless-integration

3) REPAY + Flywirehttps://yaypay.helpjuice.com/en_US/payments/951427-flywire-payments

Test Transactions

This section lists some of the test credit card and ACH payment methods provided by REPAY when using the REPAYTest Gateway.

Transactions can be submitted using the following information:

Visa: 4111111111111111
MasterCard: 5431111111111111
Discover: 6011601160116611
American Express: 341111111111111
Diner's Club: 30205252489926
JCB: 3541963594572595
Maestro: 6799990100000000019
Credit Card Expiration: 10/25
Account (ACH): 123123123
Routing (ACH): 123123123

REPAY Payment Messages and Errors 

This is a list of the possible messages/errors that your customer might receive when they attempt to make a payment. 

Result Code Table

100 Transaction was approved.
200 Transaction was declined by processor.
201 Do not honor.
202 Insufficient funds.
203 Over limit.
204 Transaction not allowed.
220 Incorrect payment information.
221 No such card issuer.
222 No card number on file with issuer.
223 Expired card.
224 Invalid expiration date.
225 Invalid card security code.
226 Invalid PIN.
240 Call issuer for further information.
250 Pick up card.
251 Lost card.
252 Stolen card.
253 Fraudulent card.
260 Declined with further instructions available. (See response text)
261 Declined-Stop all recurring payments.
262 Declined-Stop this recurring program.
263 Declined-Update cardholder data available.
264 Declined-Retry in a few days.
300 Transaction was rejected by gateway.
400 Transaction error returned by processor.
410 Invalid merchant configuration.
411 Merchant account is inactive.
420 Communication error.
421 Communication error with issuer.
430 Duplicate transaction at processor.
440 Processor format error.
441 Invalid transaction information.
460 Processor feature not available.
461 Unsupported card type.


Possible reason: YayPay <> REPAY integration does not support a setting that enables the CVV requirement the merchant has placed on the transaction (not tokenization). YayPay does not store any cardholder data (credit card number, expiration date, and CVV) because of PCI-DSS compliance. All this data is sent to the provider after submission, and YayPay does not use CVV with the transaction.

Troubleshooting: disable this setting on your Payment Gateway side (Gateway > Settings > Security Options > Card ID Verification):

Triggering Errors in Test Mode

  • To cause a declined message, pass an amount less than 1.00.

  • To trigger a fatal error message, pass an invalid card number.

  • To simulate an AVS match, pass 888 in the address1 field, 77777 for zip.

  • To simulate a CVV match, pass 999 in the cvv field.

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